Development Journal - Nov 8

Update Overview

This week, we mainly focused on adjusting our Alpha release version based on feedback we received from alpha presentation, playtesting, and TA feedback. Since it is reading week, we didn’t make lots of changes.



Controls & Cues

  • Changed "X" to "B" to exit in inspection mode. Also fixed the bug of not showing interaction cues when selecting branching items.
  • Added support for keyboard control cues. Now the change between controller cues and keyboard cues is manually. Later will make a setting page to let users set input types.


  • When the player enters the attic scene for the first time, the attic is dim and dark, except the TV and tape are glowing. This helps to make tapes more obvious rather than the posters and other objects. Once the tape is inserted and the player has a general idea of how the tape works, lighting is changed back to normal.

Scripts & Tapes

  • Dialogue has been expanded to include object and tape interactions.

Assets - Models

  • New interactable (non key) objects have been added to the main scene.

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